What Happens to Your Payment History After You’ve Paid Off Your Loans?

MyFedLoan provides a less complicated procedure for managing your student loan. As everyone is aware, managing your MyFedLoan is a complicated network and a very tiring task for you. Moreover, it doesn’t conclude with making your payment successfully. Sometimes, borrowers think that once they have paid off their loan, they can go through their payment history easily, and this is possible with MyFedLoan.

How to check your payment history on MyFedLoan here

The Actual Issue

  • When you have completely paid your loan, MyFedLoan will automatically close your virtual account without alerting you or giving you any kind of notification. 
  • This generally means that you will not be able to access your payment history as earlier. For those who want to check their payment history or transaction to keep further records or analyze any data, it can be a big hindrance.
  • If you have paid your loan completely, then MyFedLoan will lock your account; therefore, you will lose access to your payment history.

User’s Reaction on Reddit

  • A user expressed their frustration on the same issue in the Public Service Announcement (PSA), and he also warned about this particular policy of MyFedLoan to the other users.
  • Also, users have expressed their dissatisfaction regarding not receiving any notifications before their account gets locked permanently. 
  • Another concern was that if the borrowers wanted to have a look at their payment history, they would have to call MyFedLoan, and then they would receive its physical copy.
  • In conclusion, users labeled this policy as “ridiculous” and also have told others to 
  • They also pointed out that if you wish to save all their payment history before getting done with the final payment. 
  • If you have your entire payment history, it gives you relief as well as proof that everything was done correctly, and therefore, you can always check and verify the data.

Some Alternatives that can be adapted 

In case your loan is about to end, you can take care of these simple steps:

  • Exporting Data on a prior basis

Make sure that you have exported all your payment history before making the last payment. It is very important to have your payment history.

  • Get Connected with Customer Care
  1. In case your account has been closed before you can get your payment history, you can directly get in touch with the customer support team at MyFedLoan and ask for it. 
  2. MyFedLoan’s customer support team would either send you the payment history virtually or they would send it via mail. 
  3. However, keep in mind that they will only provide you with the payment history in one form, either virtually or physically.
  • Waiting for 1 Business Day

If you have decided to get an electronic copy, then it might take one business day for the mail to get delivered to your account inbox.


Why is it necessary to have a record of your payment history?

Your Financial history acts as a very important source in various circumstances, such as:

  • Tax Purposes: You can claim educational expenses deductions with your payment history.
  • Credit Score: You will have a good credit score, which will reflect that you are financially responsible.
  • Analyzing Data: With payment History, users can keep an eye on their expenditures, and you will be able to spot any irregular issues if they exist. 

Why does the account get closed automatically?

The MyFedLoan has this bureaucratic hurdle, which includes closing your account without informing you beforehand and also limiting your access to your financial history. 

Though users consider it an old and very frustrating action, there is still no actual reason behind it. Moreover, it creates a whole new tension for the borrowers on MyFedLoan.


MyFedLoan’s policy can be irritating, but it still allows borrowers to make important decisions and keep their financial history safe. Therefore, considering this article as a Public Service Announcement (PSA), the users must remember to export their financial history before making their last payment for MyFedLoan. Moreover, this is a simple procedure that can save you time and also relieve you from any kind of future stress.

Highlighting this topic simply means that MyFedLoan wants to extend its hands to a larger conversation regarding transparency and providing better services to the borrowers seeking to get MyFedLoan. As everyone is aware, managing student loans is a very challenging task, and this is the least that can be followed to make the process easy and convenient.

Therefore, by using all these resources, users can gain knowledge themselves, get to know about the complexities of student loans, and make better decisions.

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